Wednesday 9 January 2013

Christmas Holidays - Part 1

My Christmas holidays were quite nice. We got our Christmas break on 21st of December. I got a phone, Monopoly millionaire, a game for the DS and a globe Jigsaw from Santa. I had dinner at my cousin's house. I stayed there for the day and we played nearly all their games with them. R.H.

We got our Christmas holiday's on Friday 21st of December. Christmas eve was the 24th of
December. I was very excited that day for Christmas. I got lego, monster fighters the vampire's castle remote control helicopter, lego city hospital, binoculars and dvds. I served mass on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I had turkey, ham, carrots, peas, potatoes and cabbage for Christmas dinner. It was the best Christmas ever. A.M.

Friday 21st December. I got a tablet alternate control thing, a lego set and a halo set and two games and some other stuff. It was my baby brother's birthday, he went to the play centre he had a fun time, I think any way. L.M.

I got an iPad and games, a football and a Liverpool t-shirt and sweets and I ate turkey and it was nice. D.H.

On Christmas Eve I served Mass. On Christmas morning I got up at 3 o'clock. I got lots of presents. On St. Stephen's day I hunted the wren with the Handball club. We did 22 pubs. It was very enjoyable, I also had a rugby tournament that day. I scored a try. I had a soccer tournament we got into the final but we lost by a goal. I went to Birr also over the holidays, I played loads of snooker and darts. I have loads of other news but I don't want to write it. A.N.

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